Register of interests

Councillor Qaisar Abbas

This register of interests was published on Monday, 15th April, 2024, 11.21 am.

I. x an elected member/commissioner of Thurrock Council on x declare all my interests as required by the relevant code of conduct adopted by the Council. I may be in breach of the code of conduct if I omit relevant information, or provide information that is false or misleading, do not give notice of any changes in my declared interests within 28 days and fail to declare interests at meetings.

1. Employment Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
You Your spouse or partner *
QAQ's Services (Self Employed) None
QAG's Foundation Ltd (Director)
2. Sponsorship
You Your spouse or partner*
None None
3. Contracts
You Your spouse or partner*
None None
4. Land and Property
You Your spouse or partner*
The Monitoring Officer being satisfied there is reasonable cause, has pursuant to the Localism Act 2011 Section 32 (2) determined that the Disclosable Interest details shall not be displayed or published. The Monitoring Officer being satisfied there is reasonable cause, has pursuant to the Localism Act 2011 Section 32 (2) determined that the Disclosable Interest details shall not be displayed or published.
5. Licences
You Your spouse or partner*
None None
6. Corporate Tenancies
You Your spouse or partner*
None None
7. Securities
You Your spouse or partner*
None None
8. Appointments by Council
You Your spouse or partner*
Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Sub)
Licensing Committee (Sub)
Hidden and Extreme Harms Prevention Committee (Sub)
9. Other Registrable Interests
You Your spouse or partner*
Conservative Party
General Secretary, UKPK Councillors Forum, South England
Hate Crime Ambassador accredited by Essex Police
Life Member, Lahore High Court Bar Association
Life Members, Lahore Bar Association
Member, MB Din Bar Association
Hate Crime Ambassador accredited by Essex Police
10. I recognise that I have a legal duty to complete this form and that I should not: (1) Omit any information which ought to be given in this notice; (2) Provide information that is materially false or misleading; (3) Fail to update this information as my circumstances change
Full Name Date
Qaisar Abbas 11/4/2024
11. Completed declaration received by:
Monitoring Officer Date
Monitoring Officer 11/4/2024