Agenda item

Motion 1 submitted by Councillor Halden


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda was proposed by Councillor Halden and seconded by Councillor Huelin. The Motion read as follows:


The Chamber congratulates our schools for the summer exam results and resolves to continue to work closely with them to deliver the new school places we need.


Councillor Halden introduced the Motion by stating that Thurrock was serving children at every stage of life with 100% of the Early Years setting being rated by Ofsted. Those primary school aged children, at the end of key stage 2, the disadvantage attainment gap had reduced again which was a three3 year downward trend from 22% down to 16% which was the gap from children on free school meals compared to children not on free school meals. For those secondary school children, 89% of Thurrock children go to a school that was good or outstanding. For Thurrock A Level students, 100% of students in Thurrock schools achieved at least one A Level pass this year. Councillor Halden stated there were too many brilliant achievements to name them all but he praised Grays Convent, Harris Academy Chafford Hundred and St Cleres, who all achieved significantly higher results.


Councillor Halden concluded that this was a remarkable picture and the Council should congratulate schools, teachers, governors, parents and of course, the students sitting these exams.


A proposed amendment to the Motion had been submitted by Councillor Duffin and seconded by Councillor Spillman. The amended Motion read as follows:


The Chamber congratulates our schools for the summer exam results and the Council should continue to work closely with them to deliver the new school places we need. The Institute for Fiscal Studies reports that since 2010 we have seen an 8% cut per pupil and Council calls on the Government to reverse this worrying trend in their review of the national funding formula and properly support the young people in our borough.


Councillor Duffin introduced his amendment and stated that he was in agreement with the Motion and congratulated those on a fantastic job. The amendment had been brought to make the motion more balanced and to actively fight back the 8% cut per pupil since 2010 and for the national funding formula to be readdressed.


Councillor Spillman referred to the Budget announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and put into the context the monies for “little extras” for schools.


Councillor Coxshall stated that this was a record spend and by far the largest spend nationally made by the Government.


Councillor Hebb thanked teachers, parents and pupils for the hard work undertaken and stated that schools were better equipped today and that some Members should perhaps visit these schools to see what actually was happening.


Councillor J Kent stated the Motion was positive and showed the fantastic work being undertaken by schools and the pupil engagement with a marked increase in the last decade. Councillor J Kent stated that investments were going into schools as more children were going to school. With schools being let down by the national Budget for “little extras” where schools need more teachers and more equipment.


Councillor Gledhill stated that this should have been a wonderful motion but instead shocking political statements were being made. Teachers and pupils should be applauded for the hard work undertaken.


Councillor Redsell stated that teachers should be applauded for the work that they do with the children in the borough.


Councillor Huelin stated that it was a shame that some members had used this opportunity to turn this motion round into a political argument. This was the time to congratulate all those that had taken exams and achieved good results. The results proved this was a job very well done.


Councillor Duffin stated that the Administration gave great praise for the good work but happy for the Government to cut teacher’s wages.


Councillor Halden stated that funding levels had gone up due to resources and facilities being better. That it was remarkable that exam results were up with more children attending a good school or nursery. Councillor Halden stated some Members should not attack the national formula without fully knowing and understanding the formula.


The Mayor called a vote on the Amended Motion.


Upon being put to the vote, 25 Members voted in favour of the Amendment with 18 Members voted against, whereupon the Mayor declared the Amendment carried.


The Mayor called a vote on the Substantive Motion.


Upon being put to the vote, 25 Members voted in favour of the Substantive Motion with 18 Members abstaining their vote, whereupon the Mayor declared the Motion carried.

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