Agenda item

Verbal Update on Learning Disability Health Checks


Mandy Ansell, Accountable Officer, Thurrock NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, updated Members on the current position of the Learning Disability Health Checks following the Clinical Commissioning Group taking over the commissioning arrangements in April 2016. At this time there had been a poor uptake of only 34%. In 2017 following the hard work of the Clinical Commissioning Group an established list of 64% had been achieved. Mandy Ansell was pleased to announce to Members that this year a 77% established list had been achieved. This was helped with more flexibility as to when the health checks could be undertaken and where they take place. HealthWatch had also worked hard on care plans. Mandy Ansell stated that not all practices had taken up this service and that those patients requiring learning disability health checks would be seen at other practices. That Jackie Doyle-Price, Member of Parliament for Thurrock, had recognised these achievements as a future model to be used nationally and that goals had been set for next year to push this figure even higher.


Councillor Rigby questioned whether this service could be offered to all residents. Mandy Ansell stated that any resident on a GPs list can request a health check. Those residents over 40 years of age should have a routine health check. The National Health Service had lines of health delivery that had to be undertaken such as Elderly Health Checks and checks for Looked After Children. The Quality and Outcome Framework was to help fund GPs to improve the quality of health care being delivered with life time questions being asked of residents at early appointments.


The Chair stated that the importance of disabled people being identified and provided with services was crucial.


Councillor Rigby questioned why residents undertaking a disability health check were invited in for a health check but not all other residents. Mandy Ansell stated that the disability health checks were being undertaken from a particular funded stream which offered this facility. There were other schemes where primary care could be obtained and it was vital that residents took responsibility for their own health and looked after each other.


The Chair stated that the importance of the proposed Integrated Medical Centre would encourage all residents to undertake these health checks.


Councillor Akinbohun questioned why some practices had not taken up the service. Mandy Ansell explained that the National Health Service commissioned GP practices with core services and then practices can chose to add services to their portfolio, known as Directed Enhanced Services. These services are offered as an income but not all practices chose to participate. Those practices that do participate would be paid per health check.


Councillor Allen stated that all Thurrock residents should be entitled to a body MOT every 18 months that could identify early indications of poor health. Mandy Ansell stated that all residents are entitled to have health checks at practices which would normally be undertaken by a practice nurse. If following this health check, referral was required an appointment would be made with the GP.


Councillor Rigby asked whether the Learning Disability Checks were undertaken by the GP or nurse. Mandy Ansell stated these could be undertaken by either.


The Chair requested that this item be added to the 2019/20 municipal calendar work programme for further updates.