Agenda item

17/01683/FUL: Little Malgraves Farm, Lower Dunton Road, Bulphan, Essex, RM14 3TD


The planning application discussed, was regarding a Hospice, 80 new dwellings and infrastructure. The Hospice would be located on the east side of Lower Dunton Road. This had been the third site allocated for the Hospice, which would enable them to develop 80 new dwellings.


The site was subject to a planning application, previously for the Hospice and only 50 new dwellings. This was approved in 2015 and is still a live planning permission until December 2018. The Principal Planner stated that the only difference between the current and the previous application was that the current application was recommending 80 new dwellings along with a Hospice, instead of 50 dwellings. This application would include 80 dwellings that would be three and four bedroom properties. The same areas of landscaped open space are proposed as the previous application


The Principal Planner highlighted the Hospice would be located on the eastern side of the site, which will allow for new access onto Lower Dunton Road. There will be no amendments to the current parking or the road layout when compared with the existing planning permission.


The 80 dwellings would be detached homes on a smaller plot of land, than previously applied for. The key material consideration is the impact upon the Green Belt, although the proposal still reflects a low density development that would have a significant impact on the site itself compared to its existing use.


The Principal Planner summarised that a Viability Assessment accompanies the application and this has been independently assessed with no opportunity for planning obligations other than those offered by the applicant and one required by the highway officer, in addition to a viability trigger..


The Chair opened the Committee to questions in regards to the Planning application17/01683/FUL, Little Malgraves Farm.


Councillor Rice asked for confirmation of the reasons why the Hospice needed to be built within 12 months. The Principal Planner clarified that it would be within 11 months of the agreement.


Councillor Snell questioned whether there would be any affordable homes built on the land. The Principal Planner confirmed, due to the financial requirements, there would be no funds for affordable housing, which was confirmed through the Viability Assessment.


Councillor Jones asked for clarification around the contributions for the Hospice, new homes and schools for the residents. The Principal Planner stated that, again due to the outcome of the Viability Assessment, there would be no funding for schools or affordable housing within this area.


The Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection asked whether this was the same issue with the previous application. The Principal Planner confirmed that this was correct.


The Applicant, Eileen Marshall, was invited to the Committee to present her statement of support.


In regards to Councillor Hamilton’s question about Convex mirrors, The Highways Officer indicated that, under the new TSRGD 2016 mirrors could be allowed but as there are still issues regarding road safety and the confusion they were causing other drivers, especially during the night it is unlikely that approval would be given for their installation.


Councillor Hamilton explained there were minimum car movements within the area. He wanted clarification as to whether buses would be allowed into the road and if there would be enough space for a turnaround area. The Highways Officer confirmed the measurements had not yet been completed however he could confirm that smaller buses would be able to access the road and the site would be large enough for buses and larger vehicles to turn around. 


Councillor Rice expressed how pleased he was to be supporting this application. He said it was positive the developers were willing to build the Hospice as the Local Authority would not be able to do so and also it was positive that the Borough would receive the appropriate housing that it needed.


Councillor Snell articulated that it would be difficult to reject the application as it was a great idea. However, had the Hospice been built in another location within the Borough there would need to be affordable housing for other residents. There were concerns that the only access to the Hospice would be by vehicle, which would be difficult for staff members or visitors that did not have access to a vehicle. 


Councillor Jones stated that a Hospice was required within the Borough and there were already ongoing permissions for this to be put in place. There would be a different combination of houses, including different sizes therefore he would support the Hospice and approve the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Churchman and seconded by Councillor Rice that the application be approved, subject to conditions and planning obligations, as per the officer’s recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Colin Churchman, Graham Hamilton, Roy Jones, Terry Piccolo and Gerard Rice (7)


Against:           (0)


Abstain:           Councillor Graham Snell (1)




That the application be approved, subject to conditions and planning obligations.


Councillor Rice left the Committee at 7:30 pm.

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