Agenda item

Establishment of a Task and Finish Group in relation to Public Participation at Council Meetings


As Chair of the Committee, Councillor Gerrish presented the report to Members commenting he felt there was high scope for Members of the Public to be more involved in the meetings held by the Council. He stated he thought this was a good opportunity to improve public participation at Council meetings.


The Chair further commented that he would like to see the Task and Finish Group investigate early notice of agendas. Councillor Kerin agreed that he would like to see an increase in public participation at meetings.


During discussions, Councillor Duffin suggested that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor be included within the membership of the Task and Finish Group. He mentioned that, as they chair Full Council meetings, he felt it was important they sit on the Group.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer informed the Committee the Task and Finish Group could invite the current Mayor and Deputy Mayor along with any past mayor still serving as a councillor to a question and answer sessions.  Completing this would enable Members to receive advice from the people who chair Full Council meetings.  It was explained that the Membership of the Task and Finish Group would be sought by Democratic Services emailing Group Leaders for their nominations.  The Membership would have to be appointed in accordance with political proportionality.


It was enquired as to the potential timeframe of the Task and Finish Group and whether it was possible to speed up the process. It was stated by Officers that if a Task and Finish Group took 6 to 12 months then it would be taking too long.  Members were advised, depending on the topic, a Task and Finish Group should take around 3 months.


Officers further explained the process of setting up a Task and Finish Group. Once agreed by the Parent Committee the clerk would seek nominations from Group Leaders and once confirmed the first meeting could be scheduled. It would be at the first meeting that Members could decide as to what research or site visits they may wish to undertake. Members were advised throughout the whole process the Group would have continuous support from Democratic Services.


Members were notified that there were some actions that could be completed sooner, such as agenda items published on the forward plan.  Officers were looking into whether that information was accessible enough to residents.


It was explained that Officers, including the Monitoring Officer, had met with Members of the public and Group Leaders to discuss the concerns held by the public when speaking at Council Meetings.


Councillor Maney enquired if the Task and Finish Group was a Sub-Committee of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  It was explained this was not the case, as the Task and Finish Group would have any three Elected Members not only Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


During discussions it was raised as to whether it would be better to call a meeting of the Constitution Working Group to complete the review into Public Participation as they were able to report directly to Full Council.  It was explained that Overview and Scrutiny Committees could make recommendations to the relevant Executive committee; either General Services, Cabinet or Council.  Officers advised that the Constitution Working Group was an ad-hoc committee in that one was organised as and when it was required.


Members observed the comments on the speed of the work to be undertaken; remarking that, if possible, the relevant group should aim to have the review completed within the next few months. It was mentioned that Committees and reviews took time. The Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that following the last meeting of Full Council, the General Services Committee had met and decided the natural route was to ask the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee to investigate.


It was commented Members of the Committee felt the suggested process of setting up a Task and Finish Group was a long and drawn out process, when there was a Group which could be set up and were able to report directly to Full Council.


The Chair sought confirmation from the Deputy Monitoring Officer that the Committee were able to call on the Constitution Working Group. It was advised that Members could do so, dependant on the agreement of Group Leaders.




1.            That the Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreed to call on the Constitution Working Group to investigate into Public Participation at Council Meetings should this not be constitutionally allowed to:


·         Establish a Task and Finish Group into Public Participation at Council Meetings


2.            That the terms of reference (attached as appendix 1) be adopted for the Constitution Working Group or the Task and Finish Group.

Supporting documents: