Agenda item

Contracted Environmental Enforcement Services (Decision 01104431)


The Leader introduced the item on behalf of Councillor Tolson; he notified Members since the start of the Environmental Enforcement Service pilot in December 2016, 1208 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) had been issued, of which 830 were paid on time. He continued by informing those present that the income from FPN was £62,250, this meant there was no charge to the residents of Thurrock.


Councillor Gledhill commented that moving forwards the early repayment discount was to be removed from the service. He further stated that following a change in legislation the FPN were to be increased to their maximum permissible amount.


Members were asked, as part of the recommendations, to approve the use of Media outlets to publicise successful prosecutions and (to use such outlets) to find those committing offences when identities were unknown or false identities were given.


The Leader further mentioned that as part of the recommendations Members were to agree delegated authority from the DVLA to recover abandoned vehicles and to enforce against untaxed vehicles.


Councillor MacPherson commented she was pleased to see the removal of the early payment discount relating to FPN and queried if the Leader had any updates on the prosecutions to date.


Councillor Gledhill, informed Members since the start of the Environment Enforcement Pilot there had been:


·         21 Prosecutions;

·         £5,547 Total fines awarded;

·         £5,654 Total costs awarded and;

·         £11,915 Total of all costs, fines and surcharges.


Councillor Hebb, echoed Councillor MacPherson in that he too was pleased to see the early payment discount removed. He continued by stating it was agreed in June 2016 that the Administration would clean up the Borough and  there were only so many times you could ask people do something before action was needed.


The Leader thanked Members for their comments and further informed them that under the contract other enforcement actions would include Littering and Dog Fouling Enforcement Patrols, action taken against Fly-posting, Graffiti and Fly-tipping.




1.         To delegate authority for the tender and subsequent award of a contract for enforcement services on a payment by results basis to the Corporate Director of Environment and Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment for a period of up to 4 years, to the value of approximately £960,000.


1a.       Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 May 2017 recommended to Cabinet that the following amendments are inserted into recommendation 1.;

a.         That the enforcement activities will be across the entire borough according to need,

b.         That the contract is structured in such a way to not expose the Authority to undue financial risk, and

c.         That an adequate break clause or other means of exiting the contract be included in the agreement.


2.         To remove early repayment discounts for fixed penalty notices issued for environmental crime offences as detailed in 4.3.


3.         To set the value of fixed penalty notices to the maximum permissible amount for environmental crime offences as detailed in 4.3.


4.         To set the minimum age that formal enforcement action, including Fixed Penalty Notices, will be taken for offences to 16 years of age as detailed in 4.2.


5.         To publicise the successful prosecution of those who are prosecuted for committing environmental crime in the borough and to use media outlets to appeal for information pertaining to the  identity of those persons committing environmental crime where identities are unknown.


6.         To approve the pursuit of and adoption of delegated authority from the DVLA for the removal, impounding and potential destruction of untaxed vehicles in line within the provisions of the vehicle excise duty (immobilisation, removal and disposal of vehicles) regulations 1997 (as amended).


Reason for Decision – as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in

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