Agenda item

A13 Widening - Scheme Update


Colin Walker updated Members on the progress on the A13 Widening scheme and requested comments that would be fed into the next stage.


The scheme included:


·         Proposed improvements to A13 between junctions with A128 and A1014.

·         Works to widen A13 Stanford le Hope Bypass from two to three lanes in both directions.

·         The widened section of road will tie in with the existing three lane section of the A13 to the west of the A128.

·         Works would include demolition and replacement of four bridges and reconfiguration of Orsett Cock roundabout with partial signalisation.


The need for the scheme:


·         A13 was already congested at peak times and forecast to reach capacity in 2017.

·         Continued congestion would inhibit Thurrock Council’s plans for business development.

·         The scheme would allow freight operations to perform competitively while residents and commuters can travel efficiently.

·         The need for additional capacity as recognised during the development of London Gateway Port.

·         Works were permitted under the London Gateway Port Harbour Empowerment Order 2008.


Colin Walker stated that the work would take place over a two year period and be planned to minimise disruption to road users during construction and that the award of detail, design and construction contracts would be awarded in March/April 2017 aiming for completion of works in October 2019.


Colin Walker confirmed that there will be a strong communication plan in place during the period of construction.


Councillor Smith asked what reassurances could be given to residents regarding noise levels. Colin Walker stated that low-noise surfacing would be used on the whole width of the entire road to alleviate noise and that noise barriers were already in place and would continue to be monitored by AECOM.


Councillor Gerrish asked what the speed limit would be during the period of works and what impact this may have on congestion. Colin Walker stated that the speed limited would be set at 50 miles per hour and would only affect a four kilometre stretch of road. Good communications between the Council and the contractor have already taken place and work with Essex Council was in hand to look at those vehicles undertaking longer journeys and it would be the aim to keep the A13 flowing.


Councillor Allen asked what plans would be put in place to monitor noise and pollution on the A1013. Colin Walker stated that no plans for active monitoring were in place as established noise barriers were already in situ on this route and that the air quality would continue to be monitored through the existing air quality sites in Stanford le Hope. Colin Walker stated that the aim would be to keep all vehicles on the A13 during the period of the scheme and the project would encourage this by providing sufficient information for residents to plan their journey.


Councillor Rice stated that pollution and air quality would be a vital part of the communications that would be required to inform residents.


Councillor Smith urged that smart signage and the appropriate communications should be used to keep residents informed of any delays.


Councillor Rice welcomed the scheme but reiterated that communication should play a vital part in effectively keeping residents informed.




That the Planning Transport Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the progress on the A13 Widening scheme and provide comments to help inform the detailed design and construction phase.

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