Agenda item

Local Council Tax Scheme


Councillor Hebb presented the report and stated that the current Local Council Tax Support scheme was implemented on 1 April 2016 and that Thurrock Council agreed its current scheme through a public consultation exercise informed by cross party Members working groups. The resulting scheme was agreed by both Cabinet and Council.


Councillor Hebb continued to state that the proposed design of the scheme for 2017/18 was built on the existing scheme and the proposed changes aligned with central government changes to the Housing Benefit and Universal Credit Regulations. These changes incentivised people to seek employment whilst also simplifying the administration of the scheme. Consideration of the proposed changes was undertaken with other Essex authorities.


There were six proposed changes to the existing scheme which were outlined in the report.


A consultation had been undertaken on the proposed scheme which was open to all residents and was promoted via Councillor channels including social media. The proposed system was also considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 22 November 2016 and agreed to support options 2, 4 and 6 but not options 1, 3 and 5 due to the financial impact on claimants.


The report was also considered by Cabinet on 11 January 2017 and considered the comments of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Okunade commented on the low number of responses to Proposed Change 1.


Councillor Spillman commented that the consultation needed to be sorted out and welcomed the proposed money for the Citizen Advice Bureau. Councillor Spillman stated that this proposed money would not be enough and further cuts would have to be made. Councillor Spillman asked that this continued to be looked at.


Councillor Kerin thanked the Portfolio Holder for the report and declared that he would not be supporting Proposed Change 1 as it appeared the books were being balanced on the people who can afford it the least. Proposed Change 3 was based on self-employed and the concern around residents not knowing what work they will have and Proposed Change 5 with concerns over the Council’s view of the ideal size of Thurrock families and equally with the conditions.


Councillor Jones thanked the Portfolio Holder for the report and welcomed the recommendations but would not be supporting recommendations 1.1 and 1.3. Councillor Jones stated that the language in the consultation should be in lay-man’s terms and be more engaging.


Councillor Pothecary stated that she had reservations on recommendations 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 as these may drive more people to the Citizen Advice Bureau and make the situation worse.


Councillor Duffin stated that it was no wonder nobody wanted to comment on the consultation with the options on the table.


Councillor Gledhill stated that the number of responses received to the consultation was not good enough. This was a statutory requirement and had to ensure that open and honest consultants took place. Councillor Gledhill will raise with the communications team to ensure that this happens next year.


Councillor Halden stated that if schemes were put forward to support groups like the Citizen Advice Bureau as Councillor Hebb had taken into account with the Benefit Bill. Members should be more mindful of the budgets and how these can be spent.


Councillor Piccolo stated that Councillor Hebb had done the right thing by saying that any money gained had the opportunity to go to the Citizen Advice Bureau. An organisation which often helped people not to reach that situation where they would be dependent on benefits or direct them to benefits they were unaware of.


Councillor Snell stated that the poorest society should not be penalised as some people can just not afford these proposed increases.


Councillor Hebb replied to the above questions:


Councillor Hebb agreed that consultations on whatever subject are hard to crack and agreed to look at future consultations in far more detail.


He noted that Councillor Duffin had requested a paper at Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding methodology and consultations. A good cross party piece of work could be undertaken with this.


Confirmed that it was a national move to put a line between the amount of children that one can have before excessive amount of benefits are claimed and one that Councillor Hebb supported.


Thanked Councillor Spillman for the recognition of what was being done for the Citizen Advice Bureau. Agreed that £50,000 would not fix or solve it but would give them a platform to go away to survive to thrive.


Councillor Hebb stated that members should never judge or presume anything of any member in the Chamber.


Councillor Kerin was informed that a Reform was due called the Universal Credit Reform package that would be the solution to his concern.


Terminology and methodology in the consultation was based around national government direction and should be addressed in the paper for Councillor Duffin.


Councillor Hebb summed up by stating there was only one option to try and save the Citizen Advice Bureau and this was being offered tonight.


The Mayor explained that Council were asked to vote on the recommendations individually.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.1 as printed in the report the result of which was


For                   :           17

Against            :           26

Abstain            :           0


Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.1 lost.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.2 as printed in the report the result of which Members voted unanimously in favour. Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.2 carried.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.3 as printed in the report the result of which was


For                   :           17

Against            :           26

Abstain            :           0


Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.3 lost.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.4 as printed in the report the result of which Members voted unanimously in favour. Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.4 carried.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.5 as printed in the report the result of which was


For                   :           32

Against            :           11

Abstain            :           0


Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.5 carried.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.6 as printed in the report the result of which Members voted unanimously in favour. Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.6 carried.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on recommendation 1.7 as printed in the report the result of which Members voted unanimously in favour. Whereupon the Mayor declared recommendation 1.7 carried.




1.         That the Council supported proposed change 2.


2.         That the Council supported proposed change 4.


3.         That the Council supported proposed change 5.


4.         That the Council supported proposed change 6.


5.         That the Council supported proposed change 7.

Supporting documents: