Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Gerrish


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda was proposed by Councillor Gerrish and seconded by Councillor Fish. The Motion read as follows:


Members of Council tonight oppose the proposed closure of Children’s Centres currently under consultation. They provide a vital service to all our communities. The proposed closures of Beacon (Chafford Hundred), East Tilbury, Stanford le Hope and Aveley Children’s Centres will leave some communities entirely without a centre. This will have a severe and detrimental impact on local families. The Members’ of Council tonight call on Cabinet to acknowledge the importance of these vital community services and to not proceed with the proposed closures.


Councillor Gerrish introduced the report and in doing so explained that the Conservative administration were due to close four Thurrock Children Centres in April 2017. The centres under threat were Aveley, Chafford Hundred, East Tilbury and Stanford le Hope alongside additional outreach cuts. The centres undertook a huge about of work with parents. With the final decision being made by Cabinet in January 2017, the Motion had been brought to this Council for Members to express their views and comments. It was the role of a strong opposition to point out to the administration that they were due to make a huge mistake and to help them correct it by sending a message from the community to halt the plans to close these Children Centres.


Following debate and discussion between Members it was the consensus amongst the Labour Party Members that the decision to close the four children centres would:


-           Take away vital services.

-           Would impact on the Looked after Children that used these Centres.

-           All communities should be able to access these services.

-           Further debate and a genuine consultation needed to take place.

-           Consultation was misleading.

-           Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been misinformed.

-           Not a good move for the Council.

-           Staff at the Children’s Centres deserved more backing not sacking.

-           Perplexed by some of the comments of the Conservative members.


The following Labour Members spoke during the debate: Councillors Kerin, Pothecary, Okunade, J Kent, Fish and Gerrish.


Consensus comments received by Members from the UKIP Party included:


-           Why was the decision limited only to Cabinet.

-           Decision should be made between all Members.

-           Further debates needed to take place.

-           Vital consultations needed to be undertaken.

-           That both children and parents will suffer.

-           If paying high rents for these centres, what other high rents are the Council being ripped off on.

-           Plans need to be in place for the transition period.

-           Main concern should be that of the children.

-           Communication not clearly working.

-           Item should have come as an agenda item to Full Council.


The following UKIP Members spoke during the debate: Councillors Spillman, Duffin, Wheeler, Smith and Snell.


The common responses from the Administration in defence to the decision to close the four children service centres included:


-           Impressed by the Portfolio Holder’s savings.

-           Proposals would improve the services which would therefore improve the outcome.

-           Savings would be made from not paying extortionate rents.

-           More thought should be about the services available not the buildings and assets.

-           Services would be more joined up.

-           Labour members should be ashamed to the alarm they have caused residents with raising this Motion.

-           No opposition member asked questions neither at Overview and Scrutiny nor at Cabinet.

-           Upgrading the system will extend the age range which had been set by Ofsted.

-           Questioned what Labour and UKIP would have done under the same financial constraints.

-           Deliver “More for Less” and improve the service.

-           Services will be better for the 21st century.


The following Conservative Members spoke during the debate: Councillors Halden, Kelly, Hague, Watkins, B Little, Collins, Coxshall, Hebb, Gledhill, MacPherson and Maney.


At 9.20pm the Mayor requested that standing orders be suspended to provide time to hear and debate the remaining questions from members. Members voted in favour of this.


Councillor Fish, as seconder to the Motion, stated he had some sympathy with the administration with having to force through cuts that had been imposed on Councils from Central Government and how the administration were trying to put the best possible gloss on the proposal. Councillor Fish summarised the proposed cuts to admin and management staff and how these would affect the front line services and how the administration had not been convincing enough that the proposed proposals would work.


Councillor Gerrish summed up by thanking Members for their discussions and debate on this Motion and would now leave it for Members to decide on whether this was a deliberate act of malice against the community or a dangerously naive act on part of the Portfolio Holder. Councillor Gerrish stated that the Children’s Centres delivered vital services to children and their parents. The process had not been open and conclusive enough and that it was an absolute disgrace that we were now at this point and that members should take note of the fact that they have been put on notice that these cuts would be coming to their communities.


Councillor Gerrish’s message to Cabinet was that members did not support the cuts with the Cabinet having got the proposals wrong on this occasion and to go away and think again.


Councillor Gerrish requested that a requisition vote be undertaken.


The Mayor called a requisition vote on Councillor Gerrish’s Motion.


Upon being put to the vote the following members voted in favour: Councillors Aker, Baldwin, Duffin, Fish, Gerrish, C Holloway, V Holloway, C Kent, J Kent, Kerin, Liddiard, Okunade, Pothecary, B Rice, Sammons, Sheridan, Spillman, Stone and Wheeler (19).


The following members voted against: Councillors Cherry, Churchman, Collins, Coxshall, Gledhill, Hague, Halden, Hamilton, Hebb, Kelly, S Little, B Little, MacPherson, Maney, Ojetola, Piccolo, Potter, Redsell, Stewart, Tolson and Watkins (21).


The following members voted to abstain: Councillors Allen, C Baker, J Baker, Smith and Snell (5).


The Mayor declared the Motion Lost.



The Mayor wished Members a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.

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