Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Collins

In accordance with Chapter 2, Part 2 (Rule 15) of the Council’s Constitution.


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda was proposed by Councillor Collins and seconded by Councillor MacPherson. The Motion read as follows:


This administration condemns in the strongest possible terms, the barbaric practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and will support all health, welfare, civil and criminal enforcement services to eradicate it from Thurrock and the rest of the World.


Councillor Collins introduced the Motion and in doing so explained that he had raised this Motion on the request of a local resident in his ward and found it incredible that in the 21st Century this barbaric act was still being practiced since it was outlawed in the United Kingdom in September 1985. Councillor Collins had a Crown Prosecution Service document on FGM if any member would like to read about some case studies.


Councillor Collins stated that there were four reasons for raising this Motion:


1.         Highlight this shameful practice and expose to scrutiny and condemnation.

2.         Commend all the good work that had already taken place by our Local Council Agencies.

3.         Draw the line of this evil activity in Thurrock.

4.         Drawback FGM out of Thurrock and to inspire others in the UK and in the rest of the world to eradicate this evil practice.


Councillors Collins stated that not one single successful prosecution had taken place and would support all to eradicate this practice in Thurrock, the country and in the world and urged all councillors to vote for this Motion.


Councillor MacPherson stated that FGM was child abuse and this horrific act was being done on children as young as 4 years of age. Parents were undertaking this act in secrecy and as part of their tradition and culture. Councillor MacPherson highlighted some signs that a child was a potential FGM victim, such as children talking about a religious ceremony, the child being tearful or stressful or belonging to a community known for FGM practice. Councillor MacPherson stated that this illegal activity would not be tolerated and anyone caught could face up to 14 years in prison.


Councillor Snell thanked Councillor Collins for the report and stated that FGM had no place in this Country and that parents of victims and the backstreet practitioners who carried out these operations should be brought to justice and prosecuted with the full force of the law. Although a complex issue which cannot be dealt with by law alone with FGM deeply embedded into the culture of many countries in Africa, Middle East and Asia there was no evidence that FGM formed part of any religion requirement. Stating that FGM cannot continue with the Council doing everything possible to educate those of the true horror.


Councillor Snell proposed an FGM Awareness Week to raise awareness amongst all councillors, charities and the community.


Councillor Gledhill thanked Councillors Collins, MacPherson and Snell for their comments and stated the Council need to make sure those affected in the community have the support to maintain a family life. Councillor Gledhill also seconded Councillor Snell’s suggestion for a FGM Awareness Week in Thurrock to make more people aware and understand how barbaric FGM was.


Councillor Okunade thanked Councillor Collins for the motion and reiterated that this was a difficult issue which had been raised before at Council. Councillor Okunade would support the Motion and was aware of charities already in Thurrock supporting residents and would suggest they are involved in the FGM Awareness Week.


Councillor Pothecary welcomed the Motion and pointed out that a FGM strategy had commenced in 2008 and would like to thank those for the work undertaken so far.


Councillor Ojetola’s concern with the Motion was that it may push FGM perpetrators and victims underground and may put younger persons at risk. The key would be to educate all especially those hard to reach of the health hazards.


Councillor Collins summed up by stating that FGM was foul practice and we should eradicate it.


The Mayor called a vote on the Motion.


Following a clear majority in favour, the Mayor declared the Motion carried.

Supporting documents: