Agenda item

Thurrock Local Plan: Issues and Options (Stage 1) Report of Public Consultation


Councillor Coxshall introduced the report which provided members with a summary of the presentations made in response to the Issues and Options (Stage 1) Consultation Document and the public consultation. Councillor Coxshall stated that a large number of comments had been received from residents through the “Pants and Top” initiative and he read out some of those comments.


For the plan to go forward into Stage 2 and 3, residents’ comments would still be required which would give residents the opportunity to have their say on the way forward in the next 20 years.


Councillor Coxshall thanked the officers for their hard work and the previous administration for starting the Thurrock Local Plan.


Councillor Snell stated that requests for brown field site and green belt maps had not been made available and recommended an amendment to Recommendation 1.3 to read:


That delegated authority to amend timescales is granted to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration in consultation with the Corporate Director of Environment and Place to amend the Thurrock Local Development Scheme when required.


Councillor Jones seconded the amended recommendation.


The Mayor called a vote on Councillor Snell’s amendment.


Following a clear majority in favour, the Mayor declared the amended recommendation carried.


Councillor J Kent stated he would be supporting the recommendations and that the engagement with residents was vital. His concern was from other authorities and developers requesting to build on Thurrock green belt. Councillor J Kent asked for the Leader’s reassurance that he will defend Thurrock Council’s position and wishes on housing.


Councillor G Rice stated that assurances should be made to ensure that DP World and the Port of Tilbury are fully supported and given sufficient land for their expansions. Councillor G Rice stated that he had heard the reason that Marks and Spencers had withdrawn their application from the trade park was because of lack of housing.


Councillor Gledhill had concerns that businesses would not come to the borough if there was insufficient housing and assured Members that due consideration would be given to any requests from other local councils.


Councillor Spillman stated the Local Plan had been a disaster in Castle Point Council due to political disagreements and appealed for consensus on Thurrock’s Plan.


Councillor Halden stated that the health infrastructure in the borough required to be a big part of the plan and that the Council had to be at that stage that it was building the Thurrock that was needed.


Councillor Duffin stated that he would vote against the recommendations as ground plans had not been provided to make a properly informed decision.


Councillor B Rice thanked the Portfolio Holder for the report and stated that it was essential that residents are consulted and that the consultation should be undertaken in a sensitive way with Thurrock residents in mind.


Councillor Coxshall stated the decision on providing maps would be made available in Option 2 and that there were 3 options that require consultation. The approval of Option 1 was required first.


It was also vital that residents’ involvement was required to ensure that housing would be available in time for when the younger population of Thurrock needed it in the future.


The Mayor called a vote on the recommendations as amended.


Upon being put to the vote, 27 Members were in favour of the Amendment with 1 Member voted against and 10 Members abstained.




1.         That Council noted progress on the preparation of the Thurrock Local Plan.


2.         That the Thurrock Local Plan Issues and Options (Stage 1) Report of Consultation be approved by Council for publication.


3.         That delegated authority to amend timescales is granted to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration in consultation with the Corporate Director of Environment and Place to amend the Thurrock Local Development Scheme when required.


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