Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Jones

In accordance with Chapter 2, Part 2 (Rule 15) of the Council’s Constitution.


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda was proposed by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Snell. The Motion read as follows:


We call on Thurrock Council to write to the secretary of State to express many residents’ views that in its present state the police service contact number 101 is not fit for purpose.


Councillor Jones introduced the Motion and in doing so stated that the current 101 police service contact number was not fit for purpose and that residents were losing the trust of the Police. That the service needed to be addressed and response times had to be improved.


Council Gledhill stated that the 101 service had been designed to take the pressure off the 999 service and that operators were known to give incorrect advice to residents by directing them to the Council instead of the Police.


Councillor Cherry defended the Essex Police in stating that the cut backs in resources and the non-presence of police on the street had resulted in more 101 calls being made. He highlighted that the 101 service was designed to report historic events and not urgent requests that required immediate action. Councillor Cherry stated that if residents rang 101 or 999 the waiting time would probably be the same length of time.


Councillor Cherry stated that residents could also contact Essex Police via email which would then free up the 101 telephone service and emphasised how important it was that residents knew and used this service.


Councillor Pothecary echoed Councillor Gledhill and Councillor Cherry’s concerns and would be supporting the Motion. In Councillor Pothecary’s time as Portfolio Holder residents were encouraged to consistently report incidents using the 101 service so that data could be recorded and monitored.


Councillor G Rice stated that the Conservative Government had made the cuts to the Police Service and that the Police Crime Commissioner had shut down police stations in the borough which had been vital community assets.


Councillor Redsell stated she would be supporting the Motion as residents were losing the trust of the police and that the police should be getting smarter in dealing with incidents. The101 service was the only method for some elderly residents to use to contact the police.


Councillor Watkins stated that not everyone had access to IT to enable them to report incidents on-line and that the crime statistics for the borough were down.


Councillor Spillman stated that 1 in 5 crimes were not being recorded correctly and that the statistics were being made worse by the 101 service. Councillor Spillman stated he would be supporting the Motion.


9.15pm – Members agreed to standing orders by finishing Full Council at 9.30pm.


Councillor B Rice stated she would be supporting the Motion and that crime was on the increase in the borough with evidence from the social care survey that residents do not feel safe.


Councillor Coxshall stated that the National Crime Survey was important and that it was pro-active to ask residents for their comments and that targeting of crime needed to be done in Thurrock.


Councillor Hamilton stated that Thurrock needed to think about the crime levels for the future to encourage local businesses and new residents to the area.


Councillor Snell stated that the Chamber appeared to be split with one side looking at national statistics whilst the other was more concerned with Thurrock statistics. He firmly believed the Chamber was there to represent Thurrock residents. He stated that residents need to have the trust of the police otherwise the service will fall apart and to ensure that residents do not take matters into their own hands. The service needed to be addressed to ensure this trust was maintained.


Councillor Jones summed up that residents need to feel safe and that law and order must be implemented and sustained within the community.


Members voted unanimously in favour of this Motion.



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