Agenda item

Announcements on behalf of the Mayor or the Leader of the Council


Firstly the Mayor invited all those present to reflect and remember Thurrock’s fallen during World War One.


The Mayor was pleased to announce that Councillor Liddiard had agreed to be her Consort. Councillor Liddiard was asked to step forward and receive the Consort’s Chain.


The Mayor confirmed that the Deputy Mayor Consort would be his wife, Bunmi Ojetola.


The Mayor announced that her charities for the Mayoral Year would be Thurrock Community Chest, The Fire Fighters Charity and The Epilepsy Action Group.


Furthermore, the Mayor announced that her Mayoral Chaplain would be

Father Bryan O’Shea.


The Mayor then invited Councillor J Kent to make any announcements he wished to make as Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council paid tribute to the appointment of Councillor C Kent as the new Mayor of Thurrock and to Councillor Ojetola as the new Deputy Mayor of Thurrock.


The Leader of the Council stated that he would be standing down as Leader of the Council of as of tonight, 25 May 2016, and that he would be dissolving Cabinet with immediate effect.


Councillor J Kent stated that the residents of Thurrock had spoken clearly on the day of the elections and felt it was the right time to stand down and for some else to take over representing Thurrock.


Since being Leader of the Council, Councillor J Kent stated that he believed Thurrock had turned the corner and although with steep cuts the council had balanced the books over the last 6 years. Councillor J Kent particularly noted that the council were now building more council homes, education results were up, one million pounds had been spent on school improvements, improvements had been made to Lakeside, High House Production and the developments in Purfleet.


Councillor J Kent stated that Thurrock had worked cross party together to say No to the proposal of the Lower Thames Crossing. Councillor J Kent stated that all parties should agree when it’s the right decision for Thurrock and that this should continue.


Councillor J Kent wished Councillor Gledhill and Councillor Snell good luck to who became the next Leader of the Council.


All Members stood for a standing ovation.


Nominations were then invited for the election of Leader of the Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Jones, and seconded by Councillor Smith, that Councillor Snell be elected as Leader of the Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Hague, and seconded by Councillor Halden, that Councillor Gledhill be elected as Leader of the Council.

Upon being put to the vote, the Mayor declared that Councillor Gledhill had been duly elected as Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Gledhill, thanked all members for their support and thanked Councillor J Kent.


Councillor Gledhill stated that Thurrock Council faces even more challenges and had plans to speak with the Chief Executive to discuss changes on how Thurrock delivers.


Councillor Gledhill stated that his new cabinet would work to the best of its ability and would work hard. Therefore the Conservative Party would not be seeking any Chairs or Vice Chairs on the Overview and Scrutiny Committees; it was proposed that all major proposals will go through the overview and scrutiny committees before going to Cabinet.


Councillor Gledhill stated that an issue in Thurrock which had to be addressed was the mess the borough was becoming with fly-tipping and rubbish. A message will be sent to those culprits and action will be taken.


The Leader of the Council then informed Members the appointments he had made to the Cabinet, together with the details of their respective portfolios, and that Councillor Hague would be the Deputy Leader of the Council.




Portfolio Holder



Councillor Gledhill


Deputy Leader

Councillor Hague



Councillor Halden

Education / Health


Councillor B Little

Transport / Highways


Councillor S Little

Children’s and Adult Social Care


Councillor Hebb

Finance / Central Services


Councillor Stewart

Performance and Communities


Councillor Tolson



Councillor Coxshall
