Agenda item

Lower Thames Crossing - Council Consultation Response


The Leader of the Council, Councillor J Kent, presented the report which set out the Council’s responses to Highways England’s consultation on route options for a proposed Lower Thames Crossing and stated that Thurrock Council continues to be unanimously opposed to any Lower Thames Crossing at the proposed locations.


Councillor J Kent thanked Mr Abbott for presenting the petition “Say No to Any Crossings in Thurrock” to Council tonight and thanked all campaigners for their continued support and stated that they should be proud in the way that there were demonstrating themselves and the work undertaken so far.


Councillor J Kent stated the Thurrock Council’s policy towards another Lower Thames Crossing had been opposed to government plans for a further river crossing in Thurrock and committed to continue campaigning.


Two public meetings had been held on 25 January and 25 February 2016 with the Planning Transportation and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny holding an extended meeting on the 9 February 2016 to hold a Lower Thames Crossing Witness Session.


Councillor J Kent had written two letters to the Secretary of State for Transport on the 11 February and 29 February 2016 but to date had not received a reply. A further letter was also sent on the 15 March 2016 to the Chancellor of the Exchequer but still no reply had been received.


Councillor J Kent proposed that a further letter will be sent from all Group Leaders, which he encouraged them to sign tonight after Council and reminded members to make their own representation before the deadline date.


Councillor Gledhill stated that Thurrock Council would continue to say no to any crossings in Thurrock not just for the residents of Thurrock but for the boroughs that join Thurrock. He stated that Highways England should listen to the residents of Thurrock to ensure the right decisions were made.


Councillor Gledhill shared his frustrations on the lack of documentation available on the consultation process and that roadshows should have been undertaken in more areas.


Councillor Snell stated that Government expect and encourage people to vote in the general election and that making the right decision on the proposed Lower Thames Crossing would give residents of Thurrock that good reason to vote.


Councillor Aker gave credit to all the campaigners of the Lower Thames Crossing and that with the progress made so far we may well win.


Councillor B Little thanked all those that attended the Overview and Scrutiny Witness Gathering Event and for the work undertaken by the campaigners. Councillor B Little confirmed that he had now received a reply from Andrew Jones but the letter and the process contained flaws that were putting undue stress on Thurrock residents.


Councillor G Rice apologised for his lateness into the Council Chambers and stated that he had attended a Road Summit in London on the 22 March 2016 where he and Officers from Medway Council grilled the Chief of Highway’s England on the proposed options.


Councillor G Rice stated that the Member of Parliament should be a shamed of comments made.


The Mayor invited the Chamber to vote on the recommendations.


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendations, whereupon the Mayor declared these to be carried.




That the Council:


1.         Endorsed the Council’s opposition to Highways England’s proposed options for a Lower Thames Crossing, based the points set out in Section 3 of the report.


2.         Endorsed the total response package, consisting of the points agreed in recommendation 1, together with the Evidence Gathering Report and technical Report, for submission to Highways England by the consultation deadline of 24 March 2016.

Supporting documents: