Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Aker

In accordance with Chapter 2, Part 2 (Rule 15) of the Council’s Constitution.


Councillor Aker introduced his Motion and requested that it be altered to accommodate Councillor Gerrish’s amendment but to change the word “or” for “and”. Councillor Aker felt that this was a small change which had a significant impact. The meeting agreed to this alteration and it was seconded by Councillor Snell.


The Motion therefore read as follows:


“Thurrock Council calls on C2C rail company to return to its pre-December 13th timetable and to swiftly add sufficient carriages to the current timetable to adequately cover the demand for services in Thurrock”.


Councillor Aker stated that the Motion had been raised due to the chaos the changes to the C2C timetables on the 13 December 2015 had caused residents. Councillor Aker confirmed that he met with C2C in December who promised flexibility in elements of the timetable and that more carriages would be provided.


Councillor Aker urged Members to put pressure on C2C to deal with these issues now and to seek advice from the legal team to identify if C2C were in breach of the franchise agreement.


Councillor Gerrish proposed the tabled amendment which read as follows and was seconded by Councillor J. Kent:


“Thurrock Council calls on C2C rail company to return to its pre-December 13th timetable or to swiftly add sufficient carriages to the current timetable to adequately cover the demand for services in Thurrock”.


Councillor Kent supported the amendment which sent a clear message to C2C that since the franchise of C2C the service had worsened.


Councillor G. Rice, as a commuter on C2C, stated the service was unacceptable and had concerns over the safety of passengers and urged the Chief Executive to meet with C2C.


Councillor Gerrish provided the Members with figures on the current number of peak time trains and carriages for Grays, Chafford Hundred and Ockendon stations.


Councillor B. Little stated the only agenda item on the Planning Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee in March was C2C. Unfortunately no representative from C2C was available to attend. It was apparent that the changes in the timetable and the number of carriages had not worked. Items of work proposed by C2C on signalling and a dual line were in the pipeline.


Councillor B. Little stated that emergency steps needed to be done by C2C to ensure the safety of Thurrock residents.


Councillor Halden supported Councillor Gerrish’s Motion and that C2C needed to act before the summer on health and safety grounds to ensure the safety of passengers.


Councillor Worrall stated that consideration should be given to those residents who did not have their own transport and with the growth in the Tilbury Docks area the need for more carriages was essential.


Councillor Ray stated that C2C had confirmed that they had reached their maximum capacity and that work was proposed on the braking systems and extending tracks.


Councillor Gledhill stated that it was unacceptable that C2C were not able to attend the Overview & Scrutiny in March and that C2C should be made accountable for these changes and that consultation with C2C was vital for future plans of this service.


Councillor Speight agreed that bringing back just the service prior to the 13 December would not benefit all passengers.


Councillor Hamilton stated that if there were no other choices available to passengers than using C2C this was their only option.


Councillor Snell stated that the new timetable appeared to be a classic case of computer modelling not working in practice. The service needed to be improved by C2C and the current situation of passengers, including pregnant women, having to stand was unacceptable.


Councillor Gupta left the Council Chambers at 10.25pm


As mover of the amendment, Council Gerrish summed up by welcoming the good debate amongst Members.


As mover of the altered original Motion, Councillor Aker stated that it was crucial that no wiggle room was given to C2C and that it was imperative that the service be improved.


The Deputy Mayor called a vote on Councillor Gerrish’s amendment:


For                   :           12


Against            :           25


Abstain            :           0


The Deputy Mayor declared the amendment lost.


The Deputy Mayor called a vote on the substantive altered motion, the Chamber voted overwhelmingly in favour of the motion and the Deputy Mayor declared the altered motion carried.


Councillors Key, Palmer and Tolson left the Council Chambers at 10.31pm

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