Agenda item

Members' led body on Prevent duties and review of existing Prevent provision


Councillor J. Kent, Leader of the Council, briefly introduced the report which set out the outcomes of deliberations between the Constitution Working Group and the Monitoring Officer in response to a motion passed by Full Council in July 2015.


Councillor J. Kent observed that it would be appropriate if Councillor Ojetola, as proposer of the original motion, introduced the report.


Councillor Ojetola firstly observed that he was pleased a letter of condolence had been sent to the French Government in light of the recent atrocities in Paris.


He further thanked Carmel Littleton, Director of Children’s Services, for all her hard work as she was due to be leaving employment at the Council.


Councillor Ojetola thanked all officers and Members involved in the Constitution Working Group and stated that atrocities started with radicalisation; as a result he felt that it was important that Members worked with partners to gather intelligence and set strategy to prevent radicalisation.

Councillor Jones firstly thanked the Leader of the Council for highlighting such a serious issue. He noted that going forward the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be responsible for the policy development of Prevent duties, and as Chair of the Committee, he felt that the membership of the Committee should be expanded to include an additional 1 or 2 Members as attendance had recently been poor by some Members appointed to the Committee.


Councillor Jones felt that with such an important issue aligned to the Committee he would expect all Members appointed to the Committee to attend meetings to engage in the debate.


Councillor Jones further highlighted that the report stated that the matter had been the subject of consultation with the Chair of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Group Leaders, and that as Chair of the Committee he had not been consulted and to his knowledge neither had the Group Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).


Councillor Ray drew Members attention to the section of the report entitled ‘enhanced role of Local Councillors’ which stated that Councillors could use their authority and legitimacy to challenge the narratives of radicalisers and extremists to put forward positive alternatives. He personally had concerns with such a statement and felt that the term ‘radicaliser’ was not the correct terminology to use in this situation.


In response to the questions raised, Councillor J. Kent reported that all Group Leaders had been in attendance at a meeting to discuss Prevent duties but apologised to Councillor Jones as Chair of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee if he had not been consulted as this was an oversight.


Councillor J. Kent accepted Councillor Jones suggestion of increasing the Membership of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee but confirmed that this would need to be considered by Full Council at the Annual Council meeting in May 2016.


Councillor J. Kent observed that Councillors, as the eyes and the ears of the community, were well placed to notify the correct people if they had concerns about radicalisation and emphasised that there was not ‘one type’ of person who could be radicalised, rather that radicalisation knew no boundaries.


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendations, whereupon the Deputy Mayor declared these to be carried.




1.         That the terms of reference of the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committees be updated to address the overview, scrutiny and policy development of Prevent duties and that the Committee be recommended to set up standing cross party “Members Prevent Working Group” pursuant to Rules 8 – 9 Chapter 4, Part 1 – Article 6 of the Constitution


2.         That such a Members Prevent Working Group to address the terms of reference found at paragraph 3.5 in this report.


3.         That the terms of reference of the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee be likewise updated to address Prevent duties in the context of their remit for child protection.


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