Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Redsell

In accordance with Chapter 2, Part 2 (Rule 15) of the Council’s Constitution.


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda, was proposed by Councillor Redsell and seconded by Councillor S. Little. The Motion read as follows:


“We call on Thurrock Council to take action with its partners to help prevent the use of motorbikes and similar vehicles on our green spaces.”


Councillor Redsell introduced the motion, and in doing so explained that motorbikes and quad bikes were causing a nuisance across parks and green spaces in the Borough, including the Blackshots playing field in her ward, and that since her petition had been submitted ten bikes had been seized as a result of targeted work.


Councillor S. Little welcomed the motion as her ward was also plagued by motorbikes and quad bikes riding across Orsett Heath, and explained that despite proactive work by the Police the Council needed to provide further support and intelligence so that riders could be identified and information obtained on where they came from and gathered.


Councillor G. Rice supported the motion and commented that he too had seen young riders with their parents who should be better educated on where they can ride. He felt that cameras could be a good idea, especially as the Police faced considerable cuts and announced that they would be unable to attend 97% of Anti-Social Behaviour related calls.


Councillor Pothecary welcomed the motion and provided an update of what the Council had been doing in support of the Police, which included:


·         The introduction of signage across the Borough to advise riders of Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 where vehicles used in an anti-social manner could be seized.

·         Close liaison with the Housing team

·         That the Council’s CCTV team assisted the Police wherever feasible, which included the mobile camera unit.


Councillor Ojetola highlighted the work that had been undertaken with the Police and Council to prevent illegal racing, particularly around Lakeside and Chafford Hundred. He affirmed that he did not want racing of any kind on the streets and that there were other appropriate places for racing such as Arena Essex. He further reported that a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) had been supported recently, but felt that PSPOs should be delegated to a smaller Committee, rather than to full Council, so that they could be actioned much faster.


Councillor Jones reported that he too was tired of the nuisance caused by motorbikes, which was a common complaint by residents. He felt that the problem would be exacerbated by the cuts to the Police and subsequent closure of Police stations.


Councillor Cherry advised that where he had seen such incidents he had attempted to speak to the riders and take their photograph as evidence in order to share with the Police, he felt that Councillors should consider speaking to offenders in order to better educate them as a way to help.


Councillor Hipsey observed that this was an ongoing problem that had been going on for a long time, reporting that a cross-party working group had undertaken work on this in the past to examine whether an official motocross track could be developed in Thurrock. He called upon the Chair of the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee to ask officers if any redundant pieces of Council land could be identified in order to create an official motocross track, as neither the Council nor the Police had the resources to enforce the issue so an alternative solution was needed.


Councillor Tolson commented that she had seen Section 59 notices on display but parents needed be more responsible as they often provided the bikes to the young people. She felt that tough action needed to be taken, such as crushing the motorbikes.


Councillor B. Little agreed that the use of motorbikes and similar vehicles on green spaces was unacceptable and suggested that a warning notice be included on the annual Council Tax statement circulated to every household.


Councillor B. Rice highlighted that Orsett Heath had been plagued by the problem for years but disagreed with Councillor Cherry regarding Members approaching riders, which she felt could be dangerous and not recommended by the Police.


Councillor Redsell agreed that this could be dangerous and reported that recently a resident had been threatened by a rider when confronted about their behaviour.


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the Motion, whereupon the Mayor declared the motion was carried




We call on Thurrock Council to take action with its partners to help prevent the use of motorbikes and similar vehicles on our green spaces.

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