Agenda item

Report of the Cabinet Member of Highways and Transportation


Councillor Gerrish, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation, introduced the report and stated that 2015 saw the start of a new operating structure for the Transportation and Highways Service Team, therefore the Highways and Transportation Portfolio had been divided into the following areas:


           Major Projects

           Highways Infrastructure Management

           Highways and Transportation Services

           Transport Development Management


Councillor Gerrish highlighted some of the key achievements of the Portfolio which included:


Lower Thames Crossing Consultation – Following Highways England publishing options for a Lower Thames Crossing the consultation were due to end tomorrow. Throughout the process of these consultations, Thurrock Council’s policy towards another Lower Thames Crossing had been opposed to Governments plans for a further river crossing in Thurrock. Public Meetings have been held, Planning Transportation and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committees have been held and correspondence had been sent to the Secretary of State for Transport.


Street Lighting – The second phase would start in May 2016 on major routes in the borough.


A13 Widening Scheme – Following the result of a number of tender processes the Council had acquired the specialists, surveyors and design contracts required to deliver the £90 million A13 widening scheme with funds from DP World and London Gateway Port Limited.


Stanford Le Hope Integrated Transport – Had now progressed to the preliminary design stage following engagement over the past year with Network Rail, C2C and bus operators.


Local Sustainable Transport Fund – To include measures to address the unsatisfactory one-way system in Grays’ Town Centre.


Highways Infrastructure Management included improvements to the Treacle Mine Roundabout to resolve the following issues and road resurfacing of roads and the improvement of footpaths.


Transport Development Management - Air Quality and Lower Emission Zone Pilot – Cabinet gave their approval to consult on a pilot project to provide more effective management of HGV movements in sensitive areas to improve the air quality and reducing conflict caused by freight vehicles in residential areas.


Councillor S Little asked the Portfolio Holder for reassurance that rural bus services would continue.


Councillor Stewart requested an update from the Portfolio Holder on the repairs to roads and cycle paths within the Frost Estate.


Councillor Gerrish stated that a meeting with C2C had taken place and that negotiations were still taking place on the current timetable and the increase in the fleet numbers. An announcement was due shortly and that Councillor Gerrish would continue to push the urgency of this.


Councillor Redsell requested an update on the future of Tilbury Ferry. Councillor Gerrish confirmed that negotiations were taking place with the Port of Tilbury around the funding of the service and further developments along the river front.


Councillor B Little stated his concern with the number of gridlocks occurring at the Treacle Mine roundabout. Councillor Gerrish stated that Officers were aware of the situation and that further roadwork on the A13 may have altered the timings of the traffic lights.


Councillor Johnson asked the Portfolio Holder what plans were in place for the traffic slowing system for South Road in South Ockendon. Councillor Gerrish stated that information was not to hand but would share once available.


Councillor Hebb asked if the Stanford Le Hope Integrated Scheme could be pushed along any quicker as the project had been going on for quite some time now.


Councillor Ray thanked the Portfolio Holder for an excellent report and that the issue of restrictions of Heavy Good Vehicles in Aveley had been addressed.


Councillor Gerrish thanked the Transport Team and David Bull, Director of Transport, for their hard work and support.

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