Agenda item

Report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration


Councillor Speight, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, introduced the report which outlined the growth programme in Thurrock and included master planning for the vision of the Civic Square in Tilbury, the securing of the preferred developer PCRL (Purfleet Centre Regeneration Limited) for the development in Purfleet and a bus station next to the Chafford Hundred Rail Station footbridge.


Members questioned the Cabinet Member and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Gledhill questioned what was being done to ensure that local residents could take full advantage of job opportunities and the creation of local business supply chains in Thurrock.


The Cabinet Member advised that Thurrock was working with other nearby local authorities to take advantage of pooling of local business rates to provide a communal offer and that the Council was working with major companies, such as the NFT distribution and Travis Perkins to promote


·         Councillor Halden felt that night-time economy should be developed, possibly through the development of a super-casino, as he felt that the Borough lost out to other places such as Southend.


The Cabinet Member expressed concerns at the idea of developing a super-casino, and although affirmed that Thurrock performed strongly in logistics and retail due to its location, felt that a night-time economy was being driven forward in other ways, such as through the leisure offer in Lakeside and the JD Weatherspoon’s development in Grays Town Centre.


·         Councillor B. Little reported that at a recent meeting which he had attended a representative from the Port of Tilbury had stated that they were struggling to fill vacancies. He questioned whether specific roles not being filled could be identified so that assistance and skills training could be offered to residents to enable them to take up employment.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that he would investigate this matter further and report back to a future meeting of the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


·         Councillor Tolson referred back to last meeting as she did not believe she had received a response to a question she had raised regarding Coalhouse and Tilbury Fort. She further asked the Cabinet Member when further details would be made available on the reconfiguration of Stanford-le-Hope station.


The Cabinet Member explained that the reconfiguration of Stanford-le-Hope station fell under the portfolio of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation who would need to provide a response.


·         Councillor Redsell asked how the regeneration department was working local communities to develop sporting facilities, such as the Blackshots Field Hub, as residents believed that they were not being listened to.


The Cabinet Member explained that conversations were happening with local communities but recognised more also needed to be done, and highlighted the Purfleet development as an example of strong community engagement from an early stage to set out the sporting offer.


·         Councillor Gupta requested an update regarding the Grays Rail Underpass and when plans would be implemented.


The Cabinet Member advised that officers had been working with Network Rail but that funding was required to develop detailed design work. He explained that Network Rail also faced budget challenges and as a result capital money would need to be identified, but that the work was being prioritised and officers were working with Network Rail in order to move forward with plans.


·         Councillor Worrall congratulated the Cabinet Member as she welcomed the regeneration scheme for the Civic Square in Tilbury which she felt was long overdue.


The Cabinet Member thanked the Regeneration and Planning teams for all their hard work.

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