Agenda item

Bridge Maintenance Inspections


The Head of Transportation and Highways introduced the report explaining that it showed the findings from an Audit of the Bridge Maintenance Inspections undertaken by the internal audit team in October 2014. The Head of Transportation and Highways continued to highlight the main points within the report which included:


·         The Council had complied with government guidance to undertake two yearly General Inspections, however, the six yearly Principal Assessments had not been undertaken due to insufficient funding for bridges;

·         It was explained, that Thurrock Council as the highway authority had statutory duties to maintain the public highway and associated structures in a state that is safe and fit for use;

·         Officers informed the Committee that they were working on a recovery programme which was recommended to meet the objectives outlined within the audit;

·         Members were further advised that Officers were planning to bring in a new computer system, along with this Officers had also invited specialist resources to assist with improving the service;

·         The Committee were notified that moving forward; officers were working on more robust KPIs and were also going to take a detailed report to the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the new municipal year.


Following discussions the Committee sought a number of queries and clarifications these were:


·         The difference between the two year General  and the six year Principal Assessments;

·         If the Council hasn’t been carrying out the 6 yearly Principal Assessments did this mean that as an authority, Thurrock Council would be liable for any incidents as they were not compliant with statuary legislation;

·         Would it be possible for Officers to gain funding through the Government in a similar way they could for tar mucking roads


Officers responded to the Committees questions explain that the difference between the two inspections was that the 2 yearly were a visual inspection and a brief update. The 6 yearly Inspections were a more detailed inspection with Officers looking at long term issues.  It was clarified for the Committee that it was not the fact that Officers had not been carrying out the 6 yearly assessments, they had merely lapsed. Officers continued to explain that, bridges were included within the national code of practice which was part of the Highways Act 1980 and assured Members that the Council was not non-complaint.


It was further confirmed that Officers were working very hard to bid on the Competitive Challenge Funding, provided by the government and were currently working on detailed business cases.


Members sought assurance from the Head of Transportation and Highways that despite the challenges facing the service and the fact that Thurrock’s population was increasing; there were no reasons to be concerned as to the safety. The Head of Transportation and Highways assured the Committee that there were not the structures within the borough that could cause catastrophic damage; she continued to assure Members that there were no risks.


            It was confirmed by Officers following an enquiry from the Chair, that in terms of management, officers accepted the finding from the Audit . The service has recently been brought back in house, the risks were being managed new systems were in place. The Internal Audit Manager, further confirmed to Members that as the audit resulted as a red assurance then Internal Audit would be revisiting the service and the results would be included in the Audit progress update.


During discussions it was agreed by the Committee to include an additional recommendation in that Officers would report back to the Committee at the first meeting of the municipal year with an update report of the improvements made.


RESOLVED that the Standards and Audit Committee:


1.         Noted the contents of the report


2.         Receive an update report on Bridge Maintenance Inspections in according to the recent audit.

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