Agenda item

ITB Capital Programme 2024/25


Peter Wright, Head of Highways Infrastructure and Steven Lines, Principal Engineer presented the report and highlighted the following points:

  • Budget of £979,000 for 2024/2025 to improve transport network.
  • Consultation received from various sources.


Members raised the following points and asked the following questions:

·       The Chair asked how far short the funding for the department is.

o   There are national funding issues, funding is made the most of.

·       Councillor Maney asked how many where repeat pothole filled and asked why potholes are not more permanent.

o   Poor weather is causing patch failures.

o   Resources are not available to do larger fixes.

o   Balance of priorities depending on location.

·       Councillor Hartstean asked for information regarding safer routes to schools’ task and finish group.

o   First meeting is 28th February 2024

·       Councillor Hartstean asked how confident is the department that findings will be realised by next year.

o   Depends what comes out, surveys maybe needed.

o   Signs, yellow lines and cameras

·       Councillor Watson wanted things delivered rather than the money spent of feasibility studies and asked where the figures came from.

o   The programme

o   Feasibility studies are done inhouse by the Local Authority.

·       Councillor Watson asked if the Local Authority were installing the minimum number of EV charges.

o   No, not the minimum, down to road space and funding.

·       Councillor Watson asked where the EV Charges would be placed.

o   Action: Department to be confirm locations.

·       Councillor Watson asked what a jointing programme is.

o   Jointing’s are linear cracks patches in the road.

·       Councillor Anderson asked who has the authority for the deciding on where funding is allocated.

o   Initially by officers, finalised by portfolio holder.

o   Money is also based on carrier over.

o   EV has matched funding, government targets.

·       Councillor Kelly asked what the department are hoping to achieve.

o   Meeting with waste management once a month, looking at idiosyncratic parking restrictions on collection days.

o   Looking and testing approach

·       Members enquired about the review of PPA expansion.

o   Requests received for area J parking permit zone.

o   Looking to area for South Ockendon, consultation ongoing.

The Chair read out the recommendation to the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



1.1  That the Committee provide comments on the 2024/25 Integrated Transport Block capital programme allocations and proposed prioritisation for the agreed policy areas of Road Safety Engineering, Safer Routes to Schools, Area Intervention Programme and Electric Vehicle Charging programme (as detailed in Appendix A).


1.2  Note and comment on the 2024/25 Highways Maintenance Block Allocation and Pothole Fund Programme (as detailed in Appendix B).


1.3  Note and comment that delegated authority will be given  to the Interim Director of  Transformation (Public Realm), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Highways, to make any required changes to the ITB programme and the Maintenance programme, for 2024/25, within the overall programme budget, as well as other government funding allocations that may arise within the year to ensure delivery of the programme and to ensure the efficient expenditure of the grant allocations.


Steven Lines left the meeting at 20:03pm


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