Agenda item

To elect and install the Mayor for the municipal year 2014-2015


Nominations were invited for the election of Mayor for the Municipal Year 2014-15.


It was proposed by Councillor J. Kent, and seconded by Councillor B. Rice, that Councillor Liddiard be elected Mayor of the Borough and Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2014-15.


It was further proposed by the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Gledhill, and seconded by Councillor Halden, that Councillor Ojetola be elected as Mayor.


The Leader of the Opposition asked that a requisition vote be conducted for this item, and in accordance with Procedure Rule 20.7, five Members stood and requested that the vote to the appointment of the Mayor be recorded.


The result of the vote in respect of the Mayor for the municipal year 2014-15 was as follows:


Votes in favour of Councillor Steve Liddiard:


Councillors Clare Baldwin, Charles Curtis, Tony Fish, Oliver Gerrish, Sue Gray, Yash Gupta, Terence Hipsey, Victoria Holloway, Cathy Kent, John Kent, Martin Kerin, Aaron Kiely, Steve Liddiard, Val Morris-Cook, Bukky Okunade, Barbara Rice, Gerard Rice, Sue Shinnick,  Andy Smith, Philip Smith, Richard Speight, Michael Stone and Lynn Worrall (23).


Votes in favour of Councillor Tunde Ojetola:


Councillors Mark Coxshall, Robert Gledhill, Garry Hague, James Halden, Shane Hebb, Barry Johnson, Tom Kelly, Charlie Key, Brian Little, Sue Little, Sue MacPherson, Ben Maney, Tunde Ojetola, Barry Palmer, Maureen Pearce, John Purkiss, Joy Redsell, Andrew Roast, Pauline Tolson, Simon Wootton (20).




Councillors Chris Baker, Jan Baker, Roy Jones, Maggie O’Keeffe-Ray, Robert Ray and Graham Snell (6).


The Mayor declared that Councillor Liddiard had been duly elected as Mayor of the Borough and Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2014-2015.




That Councillor Liddiard be duly elected as Mayor of the Borough and Chairman of the Council for the Municipal Year 2014-2015.


Councillor Liddiard signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and also received the chains of office.


The Mayor then made a short speech thanking the Council for the honour of being elected as the Mayor of Thurrock.


The Mayor presented Councillor Fish and his Mayoress, Mrs Sue Bradish, with their past mayor’s badge and past consort’s badge.


The Mayor also presented Mrs Wendy Curtis with a token of appreciation for the work that she undertook during the municipal year as Deputy Mayor of Thurrock.

The Leader of the Council then paid tribute to the out-going Mayor, Councillor Tony Fish, who had attended almost 400 events during his year as Mayor.


These sentiments were echoed by the Leader of the Opposition, the Leader of the Independent Group and Councillor Coxshall, who all paid tribute to the positive work of Councillor Tony Fish throughout his Mayoral year.


Councillor Fish spoke to give thanks to those who had assisted him in his Mayoral year, paying particular tribute to the out-going Deputy Mayor Mrs Wendy Curtis, the Member Services team, the Mayor’s drivers, the Mayors Chaplain, Reverend Darren Barlow, and to all Members of the Council for giving him the honour of being elected as the Mayor of Thurrock.