Council and democracy

Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Jefferies


Councillor Jefferies accepted the amendment to his motion, which had been submitted by Councillor Pothecary. The motion as amended and proposed was seconded by Councillor Pothecary. The original motion read:


This Council notes with concern the violation of planning regulations at Buckles Lane in South Ockendon, which includes unlawful development in the greenbelt. Members therefore call on the Council to bring forward a report detailing what action has been taken to date and how the authority will address planning infringements at Buckles Lane, including via the use of further enforcement proceedings, whilst protecting the Showmen community.


The amended Motion accepted read as follows:


This Council notes with concern the alleged violation of planning regulations at Buckles Lane in South Ockendon, which includes unlawful development in the greenbelt. Members therefore call on the Council to bring forward a report detailing violations, what action has been taken to date and how the authority will address planning infringements at Buckles Lane, including via the use of further enforcement proceedings, whilst protecting the Showmen community.


Councillor Jefferies introduced the Motion by stating it was clearly not an attack on the Showmen community but had been brought to Council to raise the concerns of the unlawful development on greenbelt, the overcrowding of caravans on the site and the impact this was having on the health and safety of the community living in Buckles Lane. Areas of concern were the electricity tripping, flooding, low water pressure, how the caravans were packed to close together which had been raised by the Fire Authority on how easy a fire could spread and potential cause a loss of life. The Council, as corporate parents, had a responsibility to address the wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults. Councillor Jefferies stated that necessary action was required to clear the land of caravans and to make this site a legitimate caravan park.


Councillor Pothecary stated her support of the Motion and all efforts made with regards to planning and especially around the health and safety of the site but stated this was also happening in other sites in the borough which should also be addressed.


Councillor Spillman asked for clarity from Councillor Jefferies whether Council Officers were refusing to deal with this situation or not.


Councillor Lawrence stated her support of the Motion and identified that the situation had increased at a vast rate and had gone on far too long with the site having been unchecked and unregulated for some time. Councillor Lawrence explained the Showmen Community had lived on that site for many years, were law abiding who made contributions to the community with the Council having a duty of care to protect those people and the environment around them.


Councillor Gledhill welcomed the Motion and thanked Councillor Pothecary for her amendments and stated the Motion had highlighted there were potential lives at risk and the issues had to be addressed. Councillor Gledhill confirmed that a number of injunctions had already been issued over the past few years to stop works but with the site being so complex it had not been sufficient to stop those who were clearly determined to develop parts of the greenbelt without the proper permission and regulations. Councillor Gledhill further stated that discussions had taken place with Cabinet Members and Officers which had led to a Multiagency Task Force being formed to take the issue as a whole. That over 1000 hours had already been dedicated to this issue with a further 1000 hours required for the task force to being this issue to a close. Where the caravan site would then need the Local Plan to move forward so that the number of pitches can be supplied and authorised. Councillor Gledhill stated that this was not the only site in the borough that had been developed without the proper permissions and regulations.


Councillor Gerrish questioned Councillor Jefferies on what action this motion would enable that the Administration could not have already undertaken. Councillor Jefferies stated that Planning Officers would inforce notices to prevent the site developing further and the necessary action would be taken. To ensure the vulnerable were protected and would address the fire and health and safety concerns and take the necessary action to clear the land of caravans to make this site a legitimate caravan park. Councillor Jefferies thanked Members for their comments and urged Members to vote in favour of the Motion this evening.


The Mayor called a vote on the Amended Motion.


Upon being put to the vote Members voted unanimously in favour of Amendment, whereupon the Mayor declared the Amended motion carried.

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