Agenda item

19/00287/FUL Land To Rear Of Conifers Brentwood Road And Adjacent Orchard House, Peartree Lane, Bulphan, Essex


The report was presented by Tom Scriven. The application sought planning permission to demolish an existing structure that’s currently situated within the site. The proposal was to construct 8 four bed dwellings with associated hardstanding, cart lodges, vehicle access and landscaping. Access to the site is proposed to the north from Peartree Lane.


There had been one update since the agenda was published in which Members had been sent a letter of support from the Agent. The contents of this letter had already been adequately considered within the Officer’s report.



Officer’s recommendation was for refusal with the reasons given on pages 83 and 84 of the agenda.


Mentioning the council’s lack of a 5 year housing supply, Councillor Rice felt it was a reason to depart from the Officer’s recommendation for refusal. He questioned whether the application constituted ‘limited infilling in villages’ as part of the NPPF. Tom Scriven explained that Members had to consider all factors of the application before deciding to depart from policy. Weight on the lack of a 5 year housing supply could not be used on its own to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt. He went on to say that the application site was similar to the previous application and that it was situated outside of Bulphan village so was not considered ‘limited infilling in villages’.


With no further questions from the Committee, the Chair invited the registered speakers to address the Committee.


Councillor Johnson, Ward Councillor, presented his statement in objection to the application.


Kieron Lilley, Applicant, presented his statement in support of the application.


Noting the number of proposed dwellings in the last application and this application, Councillor Byrne commented that it would be a dangerous precedent to set if this application was approved. That the area of Bulphan could become a large housing development.


Councillor Rice pointed out that the Applicant stated the site was previously developed land. That the NPPF allowed for ‘limited infilling in villages’. He thought the application proposal was reasonable and considering the lack of a 5 year supply in the borough as well as the site being previously developed land; he proposed that the application could be approved.


Steve Taylor pointed out that the concern was not on whether the site was in the village or not, it was the fact that the site was situated on the Green Belt. The Chair added that the lack of a 5 year housing supply was not a factor that could be used on its own to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt.


Leigh Nicholson referred Members to the Constitution on departing from an Officer’s recommendation. He then directed Members to paragraphs 6.11 and 6.22 of the report which highlighted the application’s impact on the openness of the Green Belt and was not in line with the NPPF to allow a decision departure.


Councillor Lawrence seconded Councillor Rice’s alternative recommendation for approval with the reasons outlined above and with that, the Committee then went on to the vote.


For: (3) Councillors Angela Lawrence, Gerard Rice and Sue Sammons.


Against: (5) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Gary Byrne, Colin Churchman, David Potter and Sue Shinnick.


Abstained: (1) Councillor Mike Fletcher (Vice-Chair).


The Chair declared the alternative recommendation lost.


Councillor Byrne proposed the Officer’s recommendation of refusing the application which the Chair seconded. The Committee moved on to the vote.


For: (5) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Gary Byrne, Colin Churchman, David Potter and Sue Shinnick.


Against: (4) Councillors Mike Fletcher (Vice-Chair), Angela Lawrence, Gerard Rice and Sue Sammons.


Abstained: (0).


Planning application 19/00287/FUL was refused planning permission following Officer’s recommendation.

Supporting documents: