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Health and Wellbeing Board

This page lists the meetings for Health and Wellbeing Board.


Information about Health and Wellbeing Board

The vision, principles, goals and purpose of the Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Board are outlined below.

Our Vision:

-       Adding Years to Life and Life to Years


Our Principles:

Reducing inequality in health and wellbeing

Prevention is better than cure

Empowering people and communities

Connected services

Our commitments will be delivered

Continually improving service delivery

Continuing to establish clear links between health and education services, improving accessibility for all   


Our Goals:

Opportunity for All

Healthier Environments

Better Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Quality Care Centred Around the Person

Healthier for Longer


to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing

to develop and facilitate the delivery of transitional arrangements to meet statutory requirements within the emerging health agenda

to determine the health improvement priorities in Thurrock

to oversee the development and implementation of Thurrock’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy


The board is chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Education and Children and has a combination of Membership, constituting of Elected Members, Directors of various service areas of Thurrock Council, and representatives from Thurrock NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), HealthWatch Thurrock, Thurrock Community Safety Partnership Board and Patient and Public Engagement.


This meeting is open to the public, although in considering some items of business, the press and public may be requested to leave the meeting.