Outside body

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education


The main function of the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) is to advise on religious education (RE) and collective worship. Every council responsible for children's services must have a SACRE committee.




·         reviews the syllabus for RE on a regular basis

·          offers guidance on resources and methods of teaching in consultation with Thurrock schools

·         monitors the quality of provision for RE and collective acts of worship in Thurrock


Representation on SACRE is according to current religious proportionality in Thurrock.

Contact information

Democratic Services
Civic Offices, New Road
RM17 6SL

Phone: 01375 652403

Website: http://democracy.thurrock.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=285&Year=0

Thurrock Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives