Committee details

Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

The scope of this Committee covers the scrutiny of the services provided by the Children’s Services Directorate, including the provision, planning, management and performance of child protection, safeguarding, health, welfare, education, youth services and schools, colleges and other related services in Thurrock.

The Committee has four Co-Opted Members, including two Parent Governor Representatives, and representatives from both the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church. Representatives from Youth Cabinet also informally attend the meeting to participate and give a voice on matters relating to young people in Thurrock.

This meeting is open to the public, although in considering some items of business, the press and public may be requested to leave the meeting.


Contact information

Support officer: Rhiannon Whiteley, Senior Democratic Services Officer. Email:

Postal address:
Thurrock Council
Civic Offices
New Road
Grays, Essex
RM17 6SL