Agenda item

Quarter 3 (April-December 2021) Corporate Performance Report 2021/22


The Strategy Manager introduced the report and stated that it outlined the relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for quarter three of 2021/22. She explained that any missed targets were accompanied by a ‘route to green’ narrative, and although it was difficult to predict the future regarding COVID-19, officers hoped that those KPIs which had been impacted would begin to improve with the lifting of restrictions.

Councillor Okunade questioned the KPI regarding litter on page 19 of the agenda and asked how the KPI was measured. The Strategy Manager explained that the KPI regarding litter was measured using a random, independent survey which looked at different areas of Thurrock on a regular basis, including residential areas, town centres and industrial land. She stated that this survey determined whether or not litter levels were at an acceptable level across the borough. She stated that the figures for this KPI tended to be higher during the summer months, but the KPI had been met. The Chair felt it would be interesting to see a breakdown of the litter levels by ward, and the Strategy Manager replied that this could be provided to the Committee outside of the meeting, as well as information as to how the Council was encouraging people not to drop litter.

Councillor Collins highlighted page 20 of the agenda and the KPI relating to social care direct payments. He questioned why this KPI was under-performing. The Strategy Manager replied that this KPI had been significantly affected by COVID, as many private care service providers had to change the way they worked or not been able to work due to the pandemic/illness. The Chair added that some resident’s healthcare situations had also deteriorated during the pandemic, so their care needs had expanded.

Councillor Kent drew the Committee’s attention to page 21 of the report and the KPI relating to new apprenticeships. He questioned what the route to green was for this KPI, and how the Council had been engaging with the Kickstart Scheme. He also queried the KPI regarding the rate of young people re-offending on page 23 of the report and asked how the backlog of court cases was affecting this KPI. He added that the KPI relating payment of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) on page 22 of the agenda showed that only one in four people had paid their FPNs in December. He asked who was responsible for collecting this payment, and how the Council was ensuring residents continued to pay their fines. The Strategy Manager stated that the Council, along with other local authorities across the country, had struggled to meet the KPI regarding apprenticeships due to the impacts of COVID-19. The Director of Strategy, Engagement and Growth added that some services were working with Inspire and the Kickstart Scheme, for example the Cleaner and Greener team were offering work experience placements. The Strategy Manager stated that the number of young people reoffending was a small cohort, which produced larger percentages that appeared biased. She stated that the actual figures for the number of young people reoffending couldn’t be provided to the Committee as the cohort was so small, and this could make these young people identifiable. The Strategy Manager explained that she would find out additional information regarding the process for the FPN KPI and provide this information after the meeting, but highlighted that residents did have three months to pay their fines, and therefore the KPI figures for November and December were subject to change, due to the deadlines regarding the publication of the report.

Councillor Collins queried the KPI relating to health hazards on page 24 of the report, and asked what the difference was between a category 1 and a category 2 health hazard. The Strategy Manager replied that category 1 was seen as the most serious health hazard, compared to category two which was not as serious. She agreed to find out more information and reply to the Committee in writing. Councillor Collins then questioned why the KPI relating to re-let voids had not been met. The Strategy Manager replied that the team were currently struggling to re-let sheltered accommodation units that were not on the ground floor due to access issues. She explained that officers were working hard to make these properties more attractive and accessible.

Councillor Carter highlighted page 23 of the agenda and the KPI relating to the number of Looked After Children not receiving Initial Health Assessments. He asked if the target for this KPI could be changed from 80% to 100%. The Chair replied that the young person had a choice whether or not they undertook an Initial Health Assessment, and some young people could be unwilling. Councillor Carter understood this issue and asked if there could be an additional KPI target to ensure that every Looked After Child had been offered an Initial Health Assessment.

RESOLVED: That the Committee:

1. Noted and commented upon the performance of the key corporate performance indicators in particular those areas which are off target and the impact of COVID-19.

2. Identified any areas which require additional consideration.

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